Some weeks are 'too' bad. Radiant Grace!
Dear friends and family near and far,
This week, I paused our regular communications to honor a profound person in our lives—the passing of my beloved 101-year-old grandmother, Gigi. Many in the world, including my family and I, are experiencing deep loss and sadness. Still, Grace, finds ways to re-source our life, embodying and extending us beyond grief’s grip.
As addiction recovery professionals, we often witness the profound struggles and victories of the human spirit. It’s during times like these—when we encounter both grief and grace—that everything changes. These changes challenge us as humans, yes, but they also open pathways to profound collective healing and growth.
A legacy of light we strive for in our world is never far. We are in it, not of it—if that resonates with you, please read on.
As a mystic, I have spent my life seeing and hearing in worlds beyond this one. Acronyms and words help us crack the code beyond our current understanding, offering "resourceful information" that is life-affirming and expansive.
Many have asked, WWGD? or in this case today, What Would Gigi Do?
For now, she would say, "Kristin, keep still." She’d appreciate shedding a few good tears, and regally and sincerely say, "Ohhhh Kristin, that’s ‘too’ bad." She would countless times count herself lucky, thanking a G.O.D. she knew intimately, who did carry her on.
You may recall last week I mentioned what Gigi told me about how we do create our life…and that some changes were coming to what will be included in STOP & FLOW this Spring.
So here we are, in a flow of endings and new beginnings, out here and I am remembering a mantra and a mission…Together we are more. Together we are everything! I sure hope you’ll share in that.
I really can’t thank you enough for your heartfelt messages. They mean 'a world' for our family. For today, I’m choosing to do as Gigi would do, keeping still and staying tuned. Thank you!
In Calm Connection Always,
Kristin Onderdonk
Author | Speaker | Trainer | Mystic
Connect to Calm Pro Tip:
In the spirit of grace and moving through difficult emotions thoughtfully, I'm sharing an audio file reading "Our Lady of Radiant Light" oracle card by Alana Fairchild. This reading is a transmission that offers a ritual moment of peace and reflection I hope serves. you and your precious connection to life. Your listening within it can help navigate through transformative times and a heart full of grace and divine passion and compassion.
Our Lady Of Radiant Grace
If you would like a private or group reading in May please email me
I’ll place you on my waiting list. The annual May Messages are a blessing to offer and time I adore.
#aprilflowersbringmayflowers #enjoychi #stopandflow #ourladyofradiantGrace #WWGD #SUDrecovery